It’s release day for Whispers in the Waters, prequel to my gaslamp fantasy/mystery series Blood of the Fae! It’s a strange and wonderful thing to see a book make its way into the world—and to reflect both on its beginnings and where it might go.
The character that became the protagonist of Whispers in the Waters appeared in her first iteration in a dream that remained vivid even after I woke, a lingering impression that made me want to dive deeper into her story. For several years, she resided in the back of my mind, and I added little layers of details to her personality and history, even as I worked on other books. Slowly, she blossomed and her story and world formed around her. When I learned her secret, everything fell into place, and the series sprang to life.
What I intended as a short tale to introduce readers to Jessa became a longish novella, and I couldn’t be more thrilled to share the story and the characters with you. You can purchase Whispers in the Water directly from me or also through retailers. If you prefer to read a physical copy, the print version is also available for purchase.
The first full-length novel in the series—Tattoo of Crimson—will release January 2023, and I’ll be sharing updates in my newsletter as I put the final touches on it. You can pre-order it now.
Happy reading!